Opening times
Wednesday 12 March: 09.00-17.00
Thursday 13 March: 09.00-16.00
Thursday 13 March: 09.00-16.00
Location and opening times
What are the opening hours?
- Wednesday, 13 March: 09.00-17.00 hours
- Thursday 14 March: 09.00-16.00 hours
Where does Trade Fair Rijswijk take place?
Trade Fair Rijswijk takes place this year at the event venue the Broodfabriek in Rijswijk.
Address: Volmerlaan 12, 2288 GD Rijswijk
Address: Volmerlaan 12, 2288 GD Rijswijk
Floorplan and exhibitor list
Is there a floorplan with an exhibitorlist?
Yes, we work with an interactive floor plan (see top of website) where people can search in alphabetical order.
Where can I park?
You can park for free in the immediate vicinity (Plaspoelpolder office park). In addition, De Broodfabriek has a multi-storey car park and an outdoor car park right next to the main entrance.
What does it cost to park?
You can park for free in the immediate vicinity (Plaspoelpolder office park). In addition, De Broodfabriek has a multi-storey car park and an outdoor car park right next to the main entrance.
Can I drop someone off at the door?
Yes, that is not a problem.
Admission for exhibitors & visitors
Would you like to change something in your registration?
The confirmation email contains a personal link to your registration. You can use this to change or cancel your registration.
How much does admission to Trade Fair Rijswijk cost?
Nothing! Admission is free.
Can I go outside briefly and come back inside again?
Yes, that's no problem if you show your admission ticket again.
What do you do with the registration data?
We use the data in case of emergencies and you will automatically be invited to the next trade fair, unless you don't want that, in which case you can tell us.
I want to register a group of customers as visitors in advanc
That’s possible. In that case, you have to fill in the registration link for each person, because everyone gets their own personal badge.
Are pets or assistance dogs allowed?
Pets are not allowed. Assistance dogs are, of course, allowed. Please contact us in advance at
Do I have to print out my registration certificate?
You can print it out or have it scanned on your phone at the entrance.
I am coming on several days. Do I need to register each time?
You can register once and your badge will then give you access to the trade fair on all days.
Facilities at Trade Fair Rijswijk
Is there a cloakroom?
Yes, there is a free attended cloakroom at the entrance.
Is there a cash machine?
There is a cash machine at the location that can be used once a day per cash card.
Is there a Wi-Fi network available?
Yes. The network is called RFH-Event. Password: Rijswijk.
Where can we get something to eat or drink?
There are various catering facilities located around the trade fair offering a range of meals and drinks. Coffee and tea are free at the separate coffee points. There will also be a trolley service with free coffee and tea during the trade fair. Everything at the catering square has to be paid for (card or cash).
Is there a prayer room?
We do not have a prayer room on the trade fair floor.
The answer to my question is not listed here
If you have a question you can't find an answer to here, please email We will get in contact with you.