Trade Fair Naaldwijk | Exhibitor Ammerlaan and the ‘The Smurfs’…
De Smurfen

Exhibitor Ammerlaan and the ‘The Smurfs’ collective look forward to Trade Fair Rijswijk

Published: March 3, 2025

Trade Fair Rijswijk 2025 promises to be an inspiring event, with a good representation of exhibitors and a large turnout of visitors. Read more about the unique collaboration in the collective ‘The Smurfs’ and the sustainable cultivation of exhibitor Ammerlaan The Green Innovator.

Among the many participants are ‘The Smurfs’, a collective of four sales organisations: Ad Sales Support, Boomerang Plants, and The Green Gentleman. Together they represent more than 30 growers, who proudly present their product range at the trade fair. The combined effort of ‘The Smurfs’ offers visitors the unique opportunity to discover a diverse and extensive range of plants, with each organisation presenting its own product range.

The collaboration between the various sales organisations allows customers to see a wide range of products at a glance. This not only makes the fair efficient, but also particularly appealing to anyone interested in the latest trends and developments in the plant world.

The Green Innovator on CO2

If you want to find yourself in a real jungle, Ammerlaan is the place to go. Exhibitor Ammerlaan The Green Innovator is an organisation known for its wide range of products and sustainable cultivation methods. With a wide range of more than 100 plant species, there is something for everyone. Green is in!

Consumers and companies are increasingly demanding sustainably cultivated plants. Ammerlaan is already actively working on this. For example, they grow in a CO2-neutral way thanks to their geothermal heat well. The plants extract enough CO2 from the air to grow well, making it unnecessary to add CO2. In addition, the growing pots are made from recycled material and all the water is reused. These sustainable methods contribute to environmentally friendly production.

Ammerlaan: ‘The Trade Fair Rijswijk is an excellent opportunity to strengthen existing contacts and to enter into new partnerships.’

Passion and enthusiasm at the Trade Fair
Visitors can expect to see a diverse range of plants, each of which has been cultivated with care and expertise. In short, the Trade Fair Rijswijk promises to be an interesting exhibition where the passion and enthusiasm of the exhibitors will be clearly felt. Don't miss this opportunity to discover the wonderful assortment of ‘The Smurfs’ and their growers!